Which AUSD school board candidates stand for an inclusive Alameda?

Updated October 21, 2020

Score Card

Yes on 2019
AUSD Parcel Tax
Yes on 2020
Prop 15
No on
Police in Schools
Teaching Experience
Yes on
Measure Z

Key: = Unknown, = Advocated, = Held Position, = Against

1 : Verna was not a resident of Alameda during the election.

The Issues

Yes on 2019 AUSD Parcel Tax

Measure A (March 2020) placed a parcel tax on the ballot to increase teacher pay. Revenue from the parcel tax is being used to bring AUSD employee salaries, which have long lagged behind those of neighboring districts in Alameda County, in line with the county average. Measure A passed with 67.10% voting yes, needing a 66.67% super-majority to pass a new tax.

Yes on 2020 Prop 15

November 2020 Proposition to increases funding for public schools, community colleges, and local government services by changing tax assessment of commercial and industrial property.

No on Police in Schools

For removing police from schools.

Teaching Experience

Taught in the classroom

Yes on Measure Z

Article 26 of the Alameda City Charter, initially added by Measure A (March 1973) and later amended in 1991, is an exclusionary housing policy that only allows the building of only the the most expensive types of housing and forces unreasonable density limits that drive up the cost of housing on the island. Article 26 has limited Alameda's newer housing stock to only the highest income earners for the past 47 years. This "color blind" measure consequently has kept many BIPOC people out of Alameda who would have likely moved here otherwise that were previously restrictred from living in much of Alameda because of past red lining and deed restrictions before the Fair Housing Act in 1968 passed making such discriminatory policies illegal.

A measure to repeal article 26 from the Alameda City Charter is scheduled for the November 2020 ballot. The motion to place the measure on the ballot in November was signed by current city council candidates Jim Oddie and Malia Vella.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.